Poston Press Bulletin Volume 5 #1-5

Poston tended to have their volumes unequal in length. Volume 1 ran 25 issues; volume 2 ran 35; volume 3 ran 30; volume 4 ran 35. Volume 5 will only run 17 issues, but issue 18 falls in the volume 6 category. Volumes 7 and 8 have a variety of numbering problems; volume 9 will run only 21 issue. After that, though, the volumes tend to be pretty consistent, running usually around 30 issues.

Volume 5, #1: Oct. 7, 1942

Page 1: Residents may apply for permit to visit relatives, fiancee in other cities; outside domestic jobs need Postonians as employees; more beet workers needed; school for adults may be here soon.

Page 2: Court records; production of meat delayed until next year; Stockton 4000 evacuees may be moved to Rohwer; Unit I orchestra to hit 'high key' at county fair; 'tag' your little tots is report from police matron; singing at Rec. 44.

Page 3: Poston 1: Diptheria inoculation to be given school children soon; what's buzzin' for today; Christian church teachers feted; more piano teachers needed; fire information given; personalities in the news; brief beats.

Page 4: Poston 2: last opportunity to sign up for work in beet fields; Unit 2 Red Cross chapter holds inaugural ceremonies Monday night; sewing department announces registration for drafting class; Mademoiselles hold mock initiation ceremonies; workers urged to hold shop meeting to select representatives for fair employment practice; sports; lost & found.

Page 5: Poston 3: Girls Club meeting scheduled; 'play pavilion' completed; diptheria inoculation today; school tables being made by carpenters; art classes to begin; organization meetings; chess and checker club to be formed; girls activities; public address system.

Pages 6, 7: Sports.

Page 8: Queen contest.

Page 9: An appreciation to volunteer workers (in the beet fields).

Page 10: Boys' division: activities help them along; local Red Cross gets recognition; Girl's division: they are socially inclined.

Volume 5, #2: Oct. 8, 1942

Page 1: Poston auditorium to have twenty-two booths; organization group to meet to draw up constitution here; youths leave for college; Queen candidates reception proves successful.

Page 2: To the distant hills; editorial; sports.

Page 3: farm tractors arrive here; what's buzzin' for today; wash vegetables before eating; express office; Baptist worker arrives here; well, what do you know; Gila offices to open; post office figures; bridge players attention; personalities in the news.

Page 4: landscaping to beautify grounds surrounding the Press Bulletin; Queen candidates to make their appearance at cottonwood bowl; classes in water safety and first aid; sports; many rattlesnakes caught and displayed; additional names approved for works projects committee.

Page 5: Mathiesen meets with advisory board; children's lunch room under discussion; Postion III's first senior class meeting; have any personal problems?; wanted-typewriter; industry at Poston III to participate in fair; get-acquainted social held by S.S. class; embroidery class to meet.

Page 6: Sports.

Volume 5, #3: Oct. 9, 1942

Page 1: Teachers to meet; council asks Wade Head for statement on basic policy; daily distribution set for Press; Poston II professional workers elect head; Poston school faculty names listed; water pressure increase planned for Poston III.

Page 2: My first day; editorial.

Page 3: Sports; faculty members cont.; Caucasian teachers in Poston draw interest of residents.

Page 4: Three new council, Issei representatives, sworn in; what's buzzin' for today; Queen will be known at coronation ball; appreciation; Shibai is big success; Red Cross field reporter to give instructors' courses; getting your ears lowered; choir practice.

Page 5: Block managers committees to confer with Rupkey in the tractor situation; soldiers' V-mail; school library receives donation of 600 books from New York high school teacher; shoe repair shop to open with a week; home grown vegetables for Poston 2 tables; birthday party hostess; novel hut receives loan of new Compton encyclopedia.

Page 6: Campaign managers start final vote drive; pre-school and kindergarten classes combined; sumo to highlight Red Cross inauguration; average of 310 people visit library daily; school library opened its doors Wednesay; 633 enrolled in high school; highlights of coming events; singspiration; shoe repair tools arrive at Poston III.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Queen contest.

Volume 5, #4: Oct. 10, 1942

Page 1: The World at War; Dewitt issues new order to examine incoming packages; work permit is required for minors; .

Page 2: Editorial; mortuary issue settled in press editorial, letters; contraband inspection cont.; co-op election tentatively postponed.

Page 3: Rumor of county fair postponement denied; Bower's plea overruled by people; sports; work permit cont.

Page 4: Dental officer to meet health, dental personnel; what's buzzin' for today; Sunday religious services; temporary judges appointed; personal tour to minature park; three units get supply of nappa from truck crop div.; coming and going.

Page 5: Kitchens get Poston-grown napa; Miyajis honored by the 227ers; United Christian services; chancel choir to meet; Helen Kazato leaves for college; Kanai joins teaching staff; sports; school library located on campus.

Page 6: Council nominees for co-op; pressure test causes pipe joint to burst; Sunday school teachers meet; Hi-Jinx meets; Poston art study group; circulation boys sought by press; church notices; wanted; 28 leave camp for work.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Queen contest

Volume 5, #5: Oct. 11, 1942

Page 1: Fair practice procedure in process of organization; Poston constitution assembly to moot permanent government; 'our books are open' says accounting dept. at community enterprises; James in Phoenix.

Page 2: A Message; editorial; squibs of people.

Page 3: Date of co-op election not changed; acting project attorney; package delivers to homes canceled in Poston II; pianos wanted by music dept.; Poston constitution cont.; legal dept. house-warming; sports; Glee Club practice temporarily postponed; Unit 2 council to meet.

Page 4: Trucks leased to project; what's buzzin' for today; plans of YMCA topic at meet; departures; more packages for residents; a star is born.

Page 5: Unit 2 residents to get a preview of county fair talents; Red Cross field representative to arrive here for first aid and water safety instruction courses; Scouts hold outdoor meeting at cottonwood bowl; more groups leave for outside employment; police dept. warns piscatorial poachers; leading Queen contestants parade at cottonwood bowl during variety show intermission.

Page 6: Inaugural ceremonies held for Poston III Red Cross chapter; dental clinic; school problems discussed at meeting; Unit III improvements announced; Sunday school teachers discuss problems; district B.S.S. teachers elect officers.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Queen contest.

Page 9: Magazine section; Queer signs in Poston; poem.

Page 10: Aeosop's three tales; make or break breakfast.

Page 11: Feminine touch: The Roving Reporter; poem; keeping our morale up; essence-a la Poston; cartoon.

Pages 12-18: Comics section.

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