Poston Press Bulletin Volume 13 #1-5

Volume 13 #1: June 1, 1943

Page 1: Re-application necessary for radios; volunteers to speed school completion; Arkansas centers in no danger of flood; Hot? Be a life guard; Rev. Morikawa to tour east; NSRC director to speak tonight.

Page 2: Boys' club work on pool; new needlecraft class schedule; blk 27 forms Seinen Kai; greeting card orders taken by art dept; births; library notes; summer social; brief beats; classified ads.

Page 3: Between beats; social news; to and from; 229 party; snakes prohibited; 213 holds farewell fete; lost and found.

Page 4: Disbursement made to non-weavers; Miss Noguchi addresses YBA; Poston III tops in advancement; recent departures; unit I YBA entertain.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #2: June 2, 1943

Page 1: Matsumoto to head salons; project employment studied by WRA official; re-examination required for diet permit; students to get swimming instructions; leaving jobs may hinder relocation.

Page 2: This moment; volunteers aid preservation of food; Poston RC contributes large sum; brief beats; high school notice; evening sewing classes.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: Camouflage trust fund to be distributed; 318 blockhead chosen; departures; shipment of chicks arrive; library nite hours changed; social news.

Page 5: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #3: June 3, 1943

Page 1: Merchant marine positions open to evacuees; community councilmen installed; ranch hand jobs open in Nebraska; high school students to aid school completion.

Page 2: First aid courses renewed in unit I; 2,236 chickens delivered mess; AG vacancy; new nurses' aid class to start; social news; library notes; brief beats; Friends service official here.

Page 3: Language books are available; to and from; maintenance to illuminate swimming pool; 229 elects block manager; WRA checks to be cashed; employment opportunities.

Page 4: Two councilmen replaced; planning board plan unit improvement; impressive YBA nite presented; cashing of checks; departures; Christian church news; statement of the community council fund of unit 3.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #4: June 4, 1943

Page 1: Capacity crowd attends aides graduation; new block manager's supervisor; over half million dollars paid evacuees; rebuilt mess 44 reopened Tuesday.

Page 2: Just Incidentally.

Page 3: Dr. Powell to act as head of community service; boys league elects officer; barbershop opens; nurses' aides cont; a card of thanks; hearing for license in optometry; 'Biscuit Eater' movie; brief beats.

Page 4: Editor-in-chief leaves for Chicago; social news; replacement on merit rating board; planning board meets again; Christian church news; indefinite leaves; recent departures; postmaster will change.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #5: June 5, 1943

Page 1: New canteen opens; evacuees advised for civil service positions; fiscal year subsistence reduced 35%; precautions issued for residents.

Page 2: Planning board seeks workers for pool construction; vegetables harvested; Kimura heads leave office.

Page 3: Novel hut notes; beauty shoppe announcement; to and from; sports schedule; church schedule.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5 :Worship ad.

Pages 6, 7: In Japanese.

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