Poston Press Bulletin Volume 16 #21-25

Volume 16 #21: Nov. 10, 1943

Page 1: Japanese still retain rights; data compiled on evacuees; Eddow hurt in fire; additional committees named on Christmas bazaar; Poston scenes on display; Dr. Wada to leave Poston.

Page 2: Editorial; fall crop figures told; members to shibai committee named; shorthand classes to resume; bazaar committee cont.; tax deadline Dec. 15.

Page 3: Unit II PTA cabinet elected; wall paper distributed; sewing service for unit II residents; sociological research office disbanded; indefinite leaves surpass seasonals; shoe shop reopens in Unit II; library hours changed.

Pages 4, 5: Sports.

Pages 6-9: In Japanese.

Volume 16 #22: Nov. 24, 1943

Page 1: Travel frozen for civilian; four improvement in school recommended by school officials; $291.86 donated to fire victims; 242,224 pounds of vegetables grown by AG; Unit III YBA entertains patients; Kuroia held for checking; new WRA office.

Page 2: Maryknoll club sponsors show; no fires permitted after 9 a.m.; school improvements cont; Jr. Red Cross drive nets $37.59; travel frozen cont; Zimmerman honored; seasonal workers return; beauty notes.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 16 #23: Nov. 26, 1943

Page 1: Temporary housing in midwest seen; rehearings slated in Santa Fe; rest home workers sought; more added to hearing board; Dr. Squires to speak; department heads take inventory.

Page 2: Editorial; papal delegate says Japanese observe law; temporary housing cont; instructors sought.

Page 3: Ad for Unit III Christmas bazaar.

Page 4: Pea-coats available; Starduster's dance; Novel Hut news; sports; wedding; holiday dance; engagement.

Page 5: Blk. 316 second in kitchen inspection; please claim; YBA nite a big hit; latrine inspection result for unit II; October sanitation results for unit I; classes for Kibei; former city clerk proud parents; new books at Unit III,

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 16 #24: Nov. 28, 1943

Page 1: Nelson returns from confab; expatriates and repatriates may apply for withdrawal; milk supply for center unassured; paroled docs may arrive; evacuee travel discouraged.

Page 2: Editorial; go east, young man.

Page 3: Evening classes to resume; farmers must file income tax returns; jobs of the week; unit II donates $262 to fire victims; evacuee travel cont; formation of mass choir underway; 'Tin Pan Alley'; Christmas cards available; blk. 221 tops sanitation; Delta Sigma Chi to sponsor bazaar dance.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 16 #25: Dec. 2, 1943

Page 1: Transfer of Delano goods underway; Christmas bazaar begins tomorrow; Unit I dry goods store burglarized; distribution of Unit II trust fund voted on; clinic in Unit II to close Dec. 3, 4.

Page 2: Come with me; editorial; movie date changed.

Page 3: More chicks arrive in Unit III; Dr. Cremins joins staff; block heads leave; missing goods from dry goods burglary; mess chief arrives for inspection; come with me cont.; Sato elected prexy of Sharlettes.

Page 4; Sports.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

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