Rohwer Outpost Volume 2, #21-25

Volume 2 #21: March 13, 1943

Page 1: Education: Thursday will be open house; shoe certifications; registration is nearly over; 300 volunteer in Idaho for special combat team; adult design course added; field agencies outline purpose.

Page 2: New set of pictures; guests; residents go; playhouse to open at PS 12; Scout tent pitching event canceled; stenographers wanted soon; kite registration held daily; vital statistics; military funeral for legionnaire; dance Sunday; department gives thanks.

Page 3: Be prompt for optometry date; property officer to deal as intermediary; building to continue; now showing; entry porch to be built.

Law and land purchases.

Page 4: Permanent center chapter instituted; Club Notes; 'Macbeth' on tap for playgoers; speech contest; Sunday church services.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Smoke Signals; cartoon; editorial.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #22: March 17, 1943

Page 1: Senator's hearing; allowances to continue; full payment; Rohwer Red Cross chapter membership drive begins; democrat interviews party.

Page 2: Guests; younger kite flyers sought; registration for second semester; jobs open; workers leave for outside; vital statistics; scoutmasters sign up troops; manpower shortage hits Outpost; call for payments, from page 1; sustenance cost from page 1; result of drives from page 1.

Page 3: Macbeth play given tonight; 53 students of Rohwer High in first graduation; now showing; transfer forms undergo change; schools hold visitation day; the origin of the co-op.

Page 4: Girl Scouts hold rally; evacuee property office services for residents; Cord, Gingham at barn dance; new Cub Scout pack formed; cooperatives, from page 3; adults' tap dancing set; journal writes 'the Nisei'.

Page 5: Songfest features old, new tunes; Father Swift leads service; Club Notes; YBC and RFCC to hold frolic; $16.69 donated to Red Cross; Transmitter asks for items; Minneapolis Star Journal advises 'trust in human nature' from page 4.

Page 6: Smoke Signals; cartoon; editorial.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #23: March 20, 1943

Page 1: Shoe repair shop; graduation exercises today; recruits wanted for beet work in Dakota; Red Cross drive on.

Page 2: Employment agent from St. Louis arrives in center; guests; Diamond Heads hold spring parade, dance; block 2 manager selected; Rohwer club council set up as permanently functioning body; Japanese songfest draws crowd; resident leaves for Washington; board of review for Boy Scouts; co-op men go on shop tour; jobs open for domestic workers; WRA food allowance differs from Army limit.

Page 3: Photos: appointments now accepted; tailoring class open to center; supervisor announces openings in Midwest; vital statistics; now showing; WRA to resettle 20,000 in agriculture according to Philadelphia Inquirer.

Page 4: Deadline for kite contest sign-up set; Club Notes; Buddhist Sunday church services; initial Catholic service Sunday; Ellis to speak at RFCC service; YWCA board calls emergency meeting; YPC schedules leader speaker; commission views condition in Rohwer center; YBA notice; Sunday church services.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Cartoon; smoke signals; disloyalty or confusion? editorial.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #24: March 24, 1943

Page 1: Business opened; resettlement talk; director may now issue leave; residents may leave in groups; center membership drive nets $1488.59; courses to open.

Page 2: Rohwer YMA holds inaugural meeting; club notes; Rev. Goldwater visits center; amateur show scheduled here; Naniwabushi to hold second performance; GSL prepares for barn dance; YW jamboree; guests; Rohwer Hi-Y's to plan for future activities; wiener bake.

Page 3: 53 graduates get diplomas; charter set for chapter in National Honor Society; now showing; machinery list still wanted; repeat show for troop 33; new shipments arrive at store; deadline for kite contest; Dr. Chapman arrives today; 'Niseis must pave the way for others to follow later'.

Page 4: Smoke Signals; editorial.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #25: March 27, 1943

Page 1: Contest day set; mail orders; ration book 1,2 open to leavers; Red Cross receives $2300 up to Friday; government jobs open to evacuee; date delayed.

Page 2: More new books for long center library list; guests; essay contest scheduled for girl members of center clubs; vital statistics; evacuees go out; hospital crew holds hike; more new outside employment open to interested residents; military police get promotion.

Page 3: Jobs open; six bound for YWCA workshop; center forms PTA units; Dr. Carstarphen leaves center; current attractions; Jack Furukawa is eagle scout; Calif. machinery needed.

Page 4: Fifth article on evacuee property office released; Co-op notes; block plans last show; junior high to open library; attorney general recommends move, from page 3; second shipment of world almanacs here; Jerome visitors.

Page 5: All-faith ministers form organization; Club Notes; Sunday school program set; representative to address CC; reverend leaves for Denver trip; Dr. Chapman to speak before YPCF; tap dancing; Sunday church services.

Page 6: New adult education classes.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Smoke Signals, cartoon, editorial.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

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