Rohwer Outpost Volume 2, #36-40

Volume 2 #36: May 5, 1943

Page 1: Emergency grants; music week; examinations for federal civil service to begin; repatriation group may change answers; medical corps call doctor; keep out of target area.

Page 2: Damaged mess parts replaced; Harris returns to continue Scouts' course; guests; work openings listed now; relocation calendar; flag raised by scouts daily; woodcarving classes held; job opening; block 8 scene of minor mess fire; Luckies-give movies, samples.

Page 3: Extinguishers for fires only; NYA opens vocational training to WRA youth; chief medical officer replaced; third meeting on relocation; now showing; canteen will cash checks; vital statistics; soldiers' families.

Page 4: Talent show tickets distribution; club notes; program for YWCA leader; Troop 93 to get charter; G.R. sponsors carnation sale; topic of child nursery group; Bussei cabinet to meet; Bible group will add hymn-leading; class enrollment in Spanish still open.

Page 5: Sidelight; Cincinnati favorable resettlement; carps honor boys' holiday; co-op figures for March; Camp Shelby diary.

Page 6: Editorial; Smoke Signals; block managers.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #37: May 8, 1943

Page 1: Instruction allows Issei better terms; internees' status; tomorrow is Mother's Day; PTA meeting; WCCA funds topic of block managers meeting; NYA training for girls open; project head suffers injury.

Page 2: Date set for talent revue; guests; Camp Shelby calls for six workers; relocation calendar; available work on the outside; co-op urges use of coupons; Buddhist board will meet tonight.

Page 3: Ironing boards, porches set up; new tests to be given for civil service work; now showing; former staff member visits; classes begin for first aid; hospital wards get awnings; vital statistics; block 7 students honored by Rohwer high school PTA; thank you, Camp Shelby.

Page 4: Local talent participate in music week celebration; club notes; guest speaker at Y discussion; Buddhists will honor mother; RFCC lecturer; sign up open for RBSK picnic; Sunday church services.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Cartoon; editorial; Smoke Signals Exchange.

Pages 7-10:In Japanese.

Volume 2 #38: May 12, 1943

Page 1: Christian confab; insecticide is poisonous; talent show; state library commission puts Rohwer on loan list.

Page 2: Mechanics: NAFF starts instruction; outdoor sing held tonight; guests; relocation calendar; families leave for new center; malaria fever control labor; job openings; transfers; speakers cont.; insecticide cont.; talent tickets cont; new job offers are filed in ad. building.

Page 3: Relocation speakers; Holly Sugar Co. needs 70 men for work; improvement in coupon system; block gardens' water supply; vital statistics; current attractions; co-op opens photo studio; Camp Shelby offers various employment for 500 Nisei.

Page 4: Relocation highlights carried in 'Oregonian'; club notes; PTA election postponed; Buddhist group will discuss conference plans; working girls' club organized; discussion, sing by Bible group; campsite meeting for girl reserves.

Page 5: Smoke Signals Exchange; questionnaire sent relocated residents; model airplane club to meet; stories of new movies listed; registration opens for marble contest; shift for DeWitt.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #39: May 15, 1943

Page 1: Compensation rules given; center constitution; Camp Savage men here to interview students; Johnston is back at work; Sugg will again examine civil service applicants; Arkansas river overflows; flood danger doubtful.

Page 2: NYA training open for girls; Holly Sugar needs men; guests; relocation calendar; Lawyers Club heads offers; graduates may claim sewing diplomas now; program for PTA meeting; time schedule for toyland; tap dancing class postponed today; claim lost goods.

Page 3: Stored goods are delivered; now showing; Christian confab week; job openings at Camp Shelby; center driving rules disclosed; post office reports for month of April; Crystal City conditions given favorable report.

Page 4: CA section releases financial statement; CA to present movie; Club Notes; Japanese services; 'campus coed' to be crowned at coronation ball tonight; Sunday church services.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Cartoon; Editorial; Smoke Signals Exchange; more agitation?

Page 7: ad.

Pages 8-11: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #40: May 19, 1943

Page 1: Election; doctors of Jerome help; leave plan eased; fire alarms; Price gains new position; Christian mission week climaxes.

Page 2: Exams held; culture films shown in blocks; Guests; ward seeks name of cover patron; job openings; outside jobs now available; Price cont.; relocation calendar; Christian mission cont.; date dad.

Page 3: New hours for stores; now showing; Red Cross services to center evacuees; vital statistics; warning issued to picnickers; new picture contract made; talent show a success; shoe ration cards will expire.

Page 4: Christian Mission speech; Club Notes; Bussei leave for confab; center talent guest of Rotary; outside life conditions told by former residents; 'co-ed' crowned; letters to the editor; Girl Scouts plan hike and meeting.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Postmarked; editorials.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

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