Rohwer Outpost Volume 2, #41-45

Volume 2 #41: May 22, 1943

Page 1: Center constitution ratified; adoption of new plan lauded by Johnston; Nisei voting right upheld by Supreme Court action; MP physician dies in crash; more personal property here.

Page 2: Synopsis: new movies; head of Red Cross visits; Guests; center election cont.; outside work offers listed; relocation calender; Outpost needs workers; shipping cont.

Page 3: Local 'Y' plans craft exhibit at St. Louis; relocation decreases Rohwer's population; CA schedules outdoor films; Honor Society roll compiled; vital statistics; now showing; Rohwer Scouts attend jamboree; Whitaker speaks before teachers.

Page 4: Rohwer high students visit McGhee high; Club Notes; confab leaders honored at tea; Buddhists hold St. Shinran day; Pentacost Sunday subject of RFCC; Sunday church services.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Cartoon; Smoke Signals Exchange; editorial.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #42: May 26, 1943

Page 1: Flood waters may reach Rohwer; work registration; poppies sold by legionnaires; apply now for school; co-op enterprises files corporation papers; Jonnston goes to Washington.

Page 2: School enrollment shows 2200 students; Guests; outside employment; disaster head; Kanegaye requests saving of seeds; job openings; relocation calendar; Trice asks for care in driving; enterprises officers cont.

Page 3: Provisions made to aid volunteers; stored goods; now showing; revision of bus schedule; Outpost loses more; Coleman speaks on relocation; Nisei will be accepted for employment at Army posts; vital statistics.

Page 4: Rohwer Boy Scouts hold award rites; Club Notes; Girl Reserves confab; Christian week climaxed by Jones; education movies; want to be a barber?; missionary training graduate speaks; Catholic services scheduled.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Smoke Signals Exchange; editorial; letters to the editor.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #43: May 29, 1943

Page 1: Council election June 1st; overflow improbable; troops guard levees; Rohwer gives vegetables for Jerome's meat; Memorial Day message; fire hazards.

Page 2: Cartoon; relocation calendar; outside employment; guests; education head inspects schools; transfers.

Page 3: Charges made to visitors; residents to sign up for first aid classes; plugs issued for washroom; representative from hostel gives talk on relocation; doctors from Jerome assist; now showing; advice on heat prostration; internal security chiefs on trip.

Page 4: Satow arrives for rally; Club Notes; Memorial Day for Buddhists; dedication of YWCA hall rites to be held today; RFCC honors memorial day; church schedule.

Page 5: Names submitted to NYA office, await approval; art contest results; Junior High PTA meets; student relocation gains; vital statistics; adult education adds new classes; election day cont.; 'letters to editor' need signatures; benches installed in movie houses.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #44: June 2, 1943

Page 1: Mess hall 26 cops honors; transfer clarified; advice on chiggers; sign up for skilled labor; councilmen results soon; new offices occupied.

Page 2: Outside employment; shoe repair wants more; guests; marble tilt; skilled laborers cont.; travel data set cont.; relocation calendar; date pad; vital statistics; lost; center talent visits Jerome.

Page 3: Cleveland hostel opens; results on poppy sales; now showing; co-op stores on old hours; census report on employment; Johnston back at desk; meeting on relocation; population reports.

Page 4: YMCA rally today; Club Notes; PTA schedules given; YWCA board members meet; book review of 'One World'; letter to the editor; happiness hour convenes tonight.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Very Truly Yours; editorial; teachers needed.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #45: June 5, 1943

Page 1: Results of council election; March clothing grants to be paid by checks; segregation not definite; solve plans for medicos; first aid unit set for farm; relocation-first meeting in Japanese.

Page 2: Cartoon; guests; outside employment; relocation calendar; state high school head visits center; 5000 enjoy two-day show; 4190 votes cast for councilmen.

Page 3: Editor Tajiri visits center; now showing; latest stock at dry goods dept; evacuee wage scale same; flood delays mail orders; sewing class to meet; WRA corrects Denver Post; garage workers in accident; vital statistics; living costs of evacuees compared.

Page 4: Sunday church services; girls depart for nine-day GR confab; Junior Girl Reserves install new officers; Buddhist services; Girl Scouts model room; Club Notes; Sakaue heads RFCC service.

Page 5:Smoke Signals Exchange; legionnaires extend thanks; classes for retraining; post office reports for May; Scouts active on Memorial Day; movies; co-op figures for May.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

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