Rohwer Outpost Volume 3, #41-45

Volume 3 #41: Nov. 20, 1943

Page 1: Apprentice training set; resettlement news by committee; message from co-op.

Page 2: Nisei must have faith; now showing; guests; market established to dispose of sake; outside employment; movie prevues; relocation calendar; vital statistics.

Page 3: Leadership classes to be held by Caucasians; Aqua Pacifica; YWCA bazaar; junior PTA has newly elected head; church services.

Page 4: Sports; social security benefits for the aged; co-op message cont; relocation committee cont; aqua pacific cont.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #42: Nov. 24, 1943

Page 1: Production of tofu and miso starts here; relocation team; schools to close Thanksgiving day; ration books for relocation; center joins in sale of poppies; pork now produced from hog farm here; Grew defends Japanese Americans in address.

Page 2: Memorial; outside employment; now showing; guests; co-op news; relocation calendar; new books to be circulated here; girls knit sweaters for service men; found.

Page 3: Leaders institute terminated Sunday; program for Thanksgiving; Time Goes By; two services planned for Thanksgiving; New Year to fete program; club notes; church news.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #43: Nov. 27, 1943

Page 1: Relocation news and films; auto accident hits Rohwer; new Jerome head.

Page 2: Guest from Aleutians; now showing; guests; outside employment; relocation calendar; PTA holds get-together; beneficiaries for insured; vital statistics.

Page 3: YWCA bazaar to hold sales; to distribute crepe papers; aqua pacifica; club notes; church news; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #44: Dec. 1, 1943

Page 1: Co-op members hold meeting; personnel setup; relocation team coming; WRA to hold Denver meet.

Page 2: English speaking countries guilty of racial prejudice; now showing; guests; message from Red Cross; outside employment; relocation calendar; art class aids club; vital statistics; general meeting to be held Friday.

Page 3: Time Goes By; YWCA bazaar; rally held Y.W. invited; RCFF notes; school notes; club notes; Girl Scouts.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #45: Dec. 4, 1943

Page 1: Meetings for by YWCA heads; part of evacuee payroll will be paid by checks; team to recruit men for M.I.S.L.S.; relocation team speaks.

Page 2: Newly elected chairman; now showing; guests; received messages from Red Cross; movie prevues; relocation calendar; PTA notes; outside employment; message from Dr. Kanagawa.

Page 3: Club Notes; training to begin soon; aqua pacifica; YWCA bazaar; Arkansas wild life movie to be shown; church services; church news.

Page 4:Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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