Rohwer Outpost Volume 4, #26-30

Volume 4 #26: April 1, 1944

Page 1: Quarterly census initiated; housing unit committee release regulations, data; Red Cross drives tops quota; draftees must notify board.

Page 2: Japanese okay as Army insurance beneficiaries; guests; now showing; relocation calendar; Rohwer Hi-Y; mail from Japan for Rohwer residents increases in volume; C.A. finance report for March issued.

Page 3: Com.council chairman to leave center; noted poet expected; Murai's class locale moved; evacuee voting status clarified; a farewell note.

Page 4: Club notes; local industries; vital statistics; Rev. Hayashima speaks at YBA; RFCC to hear Rev. Morikawa; housing news cont; census cont; church schedule.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #27: April 5, 1944

Page 1: Dependency benefits for all; names of boys accepted rel.; staff, mem. to join forces; Nisei sought for Mi school; RFCC to present traditional Easter morning services,

Poston Nisei arrested.

Page 2: Noted magazine writer will interview residents; guests; now showing; PTA field day a big success; relocation calendar; Red Cross message; lost and found.

Page 3: Correction-annual fund; Department of Justice to return Ft. Missoula to Army; federal amusement tax; national GR secretary here; more overseas messages; Rev. Morikawa gives sermon.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #28: April 8, 1944

Page 1: Jobs here cut down to 2,700; enlisted reserves; youth saves boy from water; draft evaders apprehended; Easter services; no swimming,fishing; Dr. Griswold named CA head; Johnston lauds residents.

Page 2: Trice commends residents; guests; CA Easter egg hunt Sunday; messages from overseas; coming hit attraction; now showing; relocation calendar; CIO hires Nisei.

Page 3: Night school-new classes; Pulitzer Prize winner speaks to Rohwerites; Hana Matsuri; co-op notes; overseas mail cont; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #29: April 12, 1944

Page 1: Annual carnival; new period for shoe rations; income tax; segregation; two educators visit Rohwer; new associate steward here; final 1944 Red Cross reports.

Page 2: Platitude Parade; evacuees must have I.D. proof; guests; now showing; relocation calendar; vital statistics; Red Cross messages.

Page 3: Co-op notes; Tule Lake's segrees leave hearings being held; high school group to have weekly guest speakers; Boy Scouts Court of Honor; platitude parade cont; income tax cont.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #30: April 15, 1944

Page 1: Relocation; cannery jobs open; applications for return of contraband goods taken here; speed actions on leave clearances; high school carnival; more draftees to answer call.

Page 2: Platitude Parade; movies; properties in L.A. warehouse; guests; checker contest for youngsters; census; overseas messages; appreciation-hospital; N.S.R. council member here; 7000 chickens in poultry farm.

Page 3: Superintendent of education; photographer wanted at once; Shelby Boys and Earl Fincii help Rohwer's Easter events; enrollments taken in book binding; Takeda to speak at PS 20 hall; Rev. Hayashima to speak at YBA; offer from Seabrook; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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