Rohwer Outpost Volume 5, #26-30

Volume 5 #26: Sept. 23, 1944

Page 1: Adult classes start in Oct; application procedures for return to Hawaii, west coast; legal matters deemed vital; xmas plans.

Page 2: Once Overs; Now Showing; Relocation Calendar; Guests; Movie Prevues; boy born to Rohwer relocatees in Ohio; vital statistics.

Page 3: Evacuee Capt; Rohwer Honor Roll; YBA to observe equinox in aud.; RFCC notes; experiences on war front told; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #27: Sept. 27, 1944

Page 1: Special service to honor center's war dead; war vet with Silver Star furloughs here; T/Sgt. Tanouye dies in Italy; lumberjacking in swing again; new teaching staff listed; census takers to be at work.

Page 2: Once Overs; Outside Employment; Guests; Red Cross mail; Now Showing; Relocation Calendar.

Page 3: 10 to receive library rewards; 1st Nisei to teach in nursery school; Rohwer honor roll; happiness hour groups to meet; vital statistics; sewing class to begin soon; once overs cont; staff members cont.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5: Oct/Nov. calendar.

Pages 6-9: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #28: Sept. 30, 1944

Page 1: 3 investigate ordinance depot; memorial service; photo studio open; Imon-bukuros destined for 200 Nisei soldiers; ordinance depot greets evacuees; Nisei may renounce American citizenship.

Page 2: Once Overs; co-op notes; now showing; guests; vital statistics; Red Cross mail.

Page 3: Rohwer honor roll; national groups to enact recreational institutes; RFCC notes; Kenji Okuda to speak at YBA; exemptions from lumberjacking; once overs cont; block 12, toyland back on former schedule; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #29: Oct. 4, 1944

Page 1: Johnston reports on meeting; 42 pupils to give recital; Satow stresses life with future outside; residents see service for 5; faculty changes effective soon.

Page 2: Once Overs; housing for Nisei girls; guests; Lt. Smith, WAC, visits Rohwer; relocation calendar; now showing; vital statistics.

Page 3: Cleveland groups to aid families; evening classes in voc. training; RFCC movies on 2-day run; philatelists to meet; Rohwer honor roll; once overs cont.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #30: Oct. 7, 1944

Page 1: Council sets new rules for outside pass; Ochikubo case misinterpreted; NBC's 'They Call Me Joe' to give Nisei's story; community sing on tap tonight; Army calls more for active duty; agent cashier hours change; Pfc. Hira to speak to Rohwer.

Page 2: Once Overs; now showing; guests; relocation calendar; movie prevues; Red Cross mail; vital statistics.

Page 3: Council thanks contributors to memorial service; Okuda reflects on local Nisei's apathy; Bussei to have Rev. T. Kouchi; Dr. Garrott to sermonize; Rohwer honor roll; church services.

Page 4: Sports; Michigan farm calls for 30 seasonal men; prevent fire; Nisei casualties stress Nisei loyalty; outside pass cont.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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