Rohwer Outpost Volume 5, #36-40

Volume 5 #36: Oct. 28, 1944

Page 1: New assistant project director; 15 leave for induction Fri; 2 more arrive for institute; open institute with gathering; center field day in offing; community council; announce new block managers; subscriptions to paper is limited.

Page 2: Once Overs; now showing; relocation calendar; guests; home ec. wants tomato, pepper; movie prevue; social notes.

Page 3: Braintrusters assemble heads; to honor pioneers in special YBA service; information maybe for inter-faith meeting; check cashing memo given; sabbath service to be by Dr. Carver; USO; Red Cross Mail; church services; junion high PTA cabinet meets.

Page 4: Sports; cartoon.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #37: Nov. 1, 1944

Page 1: Ask report of foreign property; Japanese-made wares on sale; Army to take 30; correction made on council news; Nisei student relocation report.

Page 2: Once Overs; guests; executive officer of WRA visits; now showing; new library to be initiated; Mrs. Roosevelt greets local Nisei couple; relocation calendar; vital statistics.

Page 3: School PTAs to convene during education week; Ingalls of national YMCA reports council resolution; Nathan meets with local USO; groups meet for institute; secretary of New York YWCA to assist institute; 188 residents over 70 years; mass meetings planned for Christian mission; novel YBA meet is successful; once overs cont; Little Rock bishop to conduct communion.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #38: Nov. 4, 1944

Page 1: Christian mission opens; Gazette editorializes on Nisei war veterans; mother learns of son's wounds; Sgt. Sugiyama's exploits cited; U.S. court hears cases of Nisei.

Page 2: Guests; now showing; once overs; editor of Jiho leaves; movie prevues; personnel work schedule changed; relocation calendar; Red Cross mail.

Page 3: Two more join school faculty; 87 enrolled in business classes; Sgt. Nakashima full-fledged paratrooper; liaison head on visit here; vital statistics; once overs cont; YBA; new adult education classes initiated; co-op notes; Sunday services.

Page 4: Sports; case of Korematsu, Endo before court; Christian mission cont.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #39: Nov. 8, 1944

Page 1: Families notified of 3 deaths, 8 wounded in France; WRA-War Dept. booklet on 'Nisei in Uniform'; programs mark education week.

Page 2: Once Overs; now showing; guests; center Shibai; hours issued for playground use; co-op note; relocation calendar; vital statistics.

Page 3: Social notes; comics wanted; Wolters urges evacuees to plan for resettlement; refrain from making cars; Rohwer mission to be continued; aid in solving youth problems; once overs; co-op receipts.

Page 4: Sports; 'Nisei in Uniform' continued.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #40: Nov. 11, 1944

Page 1: 7th Army lost battalion rescued by Nisei in 442nd; Nisei praised; dedication for new playground; nine new men on community council; library opening at new site; no school on 13, 14 as teachers convene; instructions given 30 leaving on Tues.

Page 2: Once Overs; Forrest asks aid on farms; guests; weaving class; movie prevues; relocation calendar; now showing.

Page 3: Ikebasu back from Boy's Town; congregation will hear the call to action; Bussei sabbath sermon slated; Red Cross mail; vital statistics; give total for war fund drive; Crusades sponsor couples only dance; church services.

Page 4: Sports; once overs cont.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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