Rohwer Outpost Volume 6, #11-15

Volume 6 #11: Jan. 31, 1945

Page 1: Myer visits; Myer speaks tonight; YBA President's ball set; Wells mishap investigated.

Page 2: Precaution to center residents; San Joaquin is friendly; guests; suggest grads see counselor; Wells incident cont; relocation calendar; engei-kai in two nite run; Rohwer has two visitors.

Page 3: Coast accepts ban rescission; baggage regulations released; YMCA notes; RFCC business meeting is held; post-exclusion bul; 3 leave for active service; stamp club meeting slated; Bussei comm. chairmen makes plan a success.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-9: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #12: Feb. 3, 1945

Page 1: Center hears Myer; evacuees help douse flames; active duty for 15 more; to receive aid in tax returns; pool car-load shipment asked; ball will aid March of Dimes.

Page 2: Once Overs; relocation calendar; guests; prevues; vital statistics.

Page 3: CA to sponsor educational pics; registration for adult classes; 'New Life' sermon for RFCC; booklets for childrens' ward; dist. 2 YBA to take charge of service; Owens gives instructions for marking evacuee baggage; vital statistics; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5: Myer's speech; pre-valentine couple affair; social security board representative to aid; USO opened for servicemen.

Page 6: Children honor Lt. Rogers; Chicago Libby wants 15 men; Arao leaves for Hawaii.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #13: Feb. 7, 1945

Page 1: 103 Nisei G.I.'s promoted on battlefield; no actual 5 mi. travel confine; 15 reservists will leave for U.S. Army.

Auburn California.

Page 2: Offer land in Louisiana; guests; now showing; relocation calendar; Co-op notes; Red Cross mail; senior high PTA elects officers; apt. available NY resettlers.

Pages 3-7: Full text of Myer's speech.

Page 8: Sports.

Pages 9-14: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #14: Feb. 10, 1945

Page 1: Change in rules for visiting G.I.'s; center servicemen awarded badges; post exclusion bulletin 4; sr. high PTA to meet; USO open.

Page 2: Once Overs; guests; governor's secretary visits center; relocation calendar; Red Cross mail; movie prevues; vital statistics.

Page 3: YBA will have Miss Szapira; Sugimoto's art works; RFCC note; club note; YBA meeting; Once Overs cont; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-9: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #15: Feb. 14, 1945

Page 1: Sign-ups for civil service examinations; delegates of seven centers meet in Utah; will help fill out tax blanks; AER will aid soldiers and their dependents; post exclusion bulletin 5.

Page 2: Japanese movie slated; registration for sewing classes; guests; educational movie continues; relocation calendar; Miss Williams will lead happiness hour; social notes; district III YBA have zadan-kai.

Page 3: Designate March Red Cross month; social news; assure equality for Nisei students; valentine to Nisei G.I.'s; Red Cross Mail; seeing-eye institute will graduate 100th blind veteran; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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