Rohwer Outpost Volume 6, #16-20

Volume 6 #16: Feb. 17, 1945

Page 1: Snelling men to help with family plans; special chair car for Cal. returnees; Myer on availability of insurance in Calif.; T/Sgt. Tanouye given DSC posthumously.

Page 2: Rohwerites with 442nd Bn. awarded medal; guests; Father Ryan to teach English; DSC cont; relocation calendar; movie prevues; vital statistics.

Page 3: Once Overs; RFCC notes; Akimoto, wife to make home in N.Y.; YBA notes; church services.

Page 4: Business licenses; Once Overs cont; movie co-op notes; YBA 'Zadankai'; chair car cont; recruiter for N.S. Koos company here; CA notes; sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #17: Feb. 21, 1945

Page 1: Lodi Sgt. now Lt.; inspection for fire hazards; expect completion of center family interviews; WRA list shows many center casualties; cautioning center visitors; block sugar allotment reduced; offer program of Ondoris.

Page 2: Guest list; relocation calendar; Santa Ana, Ca. found tolerant; free movie schedule; vital statistics.

Page 3: Nozawa asks cooperation in stray animal drive; Once Overs; movie-goers are urged to write; Jan. figures show library patrons average 320 daily; personnel notes; stamp club.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #18: Feb. 24, 1945

Page 1: Center to hold Nisei confab; open church, gakuen in Los Angeles for use as hostels; seek to return Terminal Island goods; supply exhausted, meatless meals in prospect for center.

Page 2: 3 families sought for New England farm; want men for Wis. war hemp; guests; offer laundry to evacuee; relocation calendar; Red Cross mail; movie prevues.

Page 3: Riverside YWCA offers housing; RFCC notes; relocatee writes Myers; wedding bells; church service; personal.

Page 4: Once Overs; Social Security representative; free movies; Baltimore rel. off to visit; art exhibit will be held; sports.

Page 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #19: Feb. 28, 1945

Page 1: Conference opens Friday; two of WRA visit center; two reported as casualties on west front.

Doi arsonists to be tried.

Page 2: Once Overs; proper procedure for ration books issuance; relocation calendar; guests; job opportunity in Kirkwood, Mo. home.

Page 3: USO chairman; to show 'Tom Sawyer'; inform Sumitomo of address now; post-exclusion bulletin; mail box.

Page 4: Once Overs cont; sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #20: March 3, 1945

Page 1: Nisei conclave underway; 442nd receives silver plaque; meat supply comes soon; Hollywood D.A.V. welcomes Nisei.

Page 2: Once Overs; guests; Conn. farmer wants worker; Red Cross mail; relocation calendar; prevues.

Page 3: YBA address; Wells, Ballard to join U.S. Army; RFCC to have Sherwood Eddy; correct USO council given; first aid instruction course; center visits Odoris again; USO; children will see Tom Sawyer today; church schedule.

Page 4: Once Overs; vital statistics; close library Wednesday P.M.s; free movie.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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