
The Second Attack on Pearl Harbor

This is a fascinating book about the actual second attack on Pearl Harbor and other Japanese attacks and plans for attack against the United States, both in the Pacific Ocean area and on the American west coast.

The book covers what was planned as a second attack on Pearl Harbor (March of 1942). There were only two planes involved and they ran into bad weather. The bombs from one plane hit a mountain and the bombs from the other plane ended up in the ocean. The planning behind this is covered as is the actual attacks and the reactions to them.

One of the problems for both sides was finding pilots who could fly night missions, especially from aircraft carriers.

The Japanese society at the time considered itself more virtuous and moralistic than other societies. They had the "Yamato spirit" and were inculcated in the idea of the worship of the divine emperor and it was an honor to die in his name.

The control of the Japanese military over the press and other aspects of society is covered. There is also no doubt from a variety of references in the book that Hirohito knew quite well what was going on and made no effort at all to try to control the military and stop their expansion and atrocities.

There were plans to invade Australia and Hawaii and from there to launch attacks on the American west coast. The Japanese did make a few attacks at various points on the west coast of the U.S. These were for propaganda value more than actual serious attempts to do major damage. The later planned attacks were to be much more serious in nature. The use of the balloon bombs, their construction and deployment, is also discussed.

Specific attacks on American shipping off the west coast of the U.S. are discussed. The battle of Midway is also covered. It basically proved the turning point of the entire war.

This is a good book with lots of information in it.

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