Topaz Times, Volume 2, Issues 61-65

Volume 2 #61: March 15, 1943

Page 1: Enlistees' total rises to 103; newcomers welcomed; redo of volunteers of Topaz; news briefs; calendar of events for week given.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #62: March 16, 1943

Page 1: Residents need certificates to purchase shoes; entertainment to feature enlistees' party; Nov. clothing allowance ready; reply given to Issei's letter.

Page 2: G.I. clothing on sale at bargain prices; bill introduced to give citizenship to Orientals; all-women team wins in bridge; 3-month weather record for this area shows mildest winter; farm rodent control mooted.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #63: March 17, 1943

Page 1: Dillon Myer comments on increase of volunteers; to contact enlistees in other centers; 3 Topaz girls get Washington WRA office work; news briefs.

Page 2: Reasons for volunteering given; Saburo Kido visits Topaz.

Volume 2 #64: March 18, 1943

Page 1: Council heads remind youths of war duty; 1000 volunteer, Army announces; statement issued by hospital staff; appreciation expressed; news briefs.

Page 2: Selective service board advises male citizens; Topaz scouts visit Lindel; Topaz marionette show wins high praise in Delta; civil service to employ those in centers; WCCA requests evacuees cease clothing queries.

California warned about its prejudice.

Volume 2 #65: March 19, 1943

Page 1: Adventists to meet; rec 1 to be bridge hall; Topaz Bussei to hold 1st conference; canteen night closing explained; news briefs; shoe certificate advice given; sports item.

Page 2: In Japanese.

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