Disloyal Japanese-Americans

The concept of "disloyal" seemed to change over the course of the internment. At first there was a major emphasis on the internees as being disloyal; later, the emphasis came to recognize the difference between those who supported the U.S., and those who still supported Japan, and the need to separate the two groups.

Nevada State Journal, July 6, 1943 (*1)

The Oakland Tribune, Jan 30, 1944 (*2)

Valley Morning Star, June 24, 1943 (*3)

Nevade State Journal, June 25, 1943 (*4)

Nevade State Journal, April 17, 1945 (*5)

*1. Notice the particular headline, something which is sure to catch people's attention. There's also a blast against the JACL in the article.

*2. The article holds that the Japanese government actually organized the Japanese who planned to move to the U.S. so that some would become farmers, some fishermen, and some taking up other trades. Let's see; what trades were available to ANYONE coming to the U.S.? Farming. Fishing. Other trades. Exactly what else would any government have organized people into?

*3. Now, as proof that you can blame the Japanese Americans for almost anything, this article is blaming them for race riots in Detroit. It also says the JACL and the War Relocation Authority were in cahoots, and that the KKK was recruiting in Detroit. (Although what that had to do with Japanese Americans is beyond my ability to figure out.)

*4. At least one article tried to point out that one heck of a lot of the internees were actually loyal to the U.S.

*5. In this article, the Japanese-Americans are being lumped in with the Communists as being dangerous to the U.S.

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