Uncommon Valor, Common Virtue

This is an somewhat oversized book on the invasion of Iwo Jima. There is also a DVD with the book that contains numerous photos.

One thing that at least some people don't know is that there were two flags raised at Iwo Jima. This book tells the story of the taking of the island, the raising of both flags, and the lives of the various photographers involved. It is also filled with photographs. It's a very interesting book.

As usual, I'll only point out a few highlights. The book notes that about 7,000 Americans died and 21,000 were wounded. Over 20,000 Japanese died. It was an incredibly important island for both sides; for the Japanese, as a defense against further American intrusion on their lands, and for the Americans it was a place that could be used for landing and launching aircraft.

The photographs tell the story as well as if not better than any narration could. The book also includes information on what happened after the taking of the island, and how the image of the flag being raised was used to raise lots of money in bond drives back in the States.

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