The Stilwell Road

Ronald Reagan is the narrator on this film, concerning a supply road constructed to go from India, through Burma, and ending in China.

The Burma Road.

Chinese working on building the road. The road was finished in 1938.

The Japanese attacked the Burma Road to stop supplies from going to China.
The Japanese attack Rangoon.

They attack Mandalay.

The Japanese continue to advance (the dark area). They manage to cut the Burma Road.

The military retreats to India.

General Stillwell.

The video describes the physical conditions in Burma and its weather. It then discusses the types of diseases that can be found there.

Chinese were taken to India. They would receive wartime training.

There were also men being trained for defense of India.

Chinese refuges fled before the Japanese advance.

Supplies were flown from Burma to China.

Plans for the Ledo road to link up with the Burma road.

They would build part of a road and it would be washed away by mudslides from monsoons.

Bit by bit they make progress on building the Ledo road.

A fuel pipeline from Burma to China was constructed. Chinese troops went out in advance to attack Japanese positions.

The medical care for those injured in battle, and efforts against malaria are discussed.

Supplies were airdropped to advanced units.

Japanese strongholds are bombed.

Airfields were built for the B-29s by Chinese laborers using hand tools.

The Japanese reinforced their Burmese garrisons.

Early 1944 plan.

The Japanese launched a flanking campaign and almost isolated an advanced unit, but bombers and ground forces from India drove them back.

Attacks in another area.

Gliders would be used to bring in men and material to construct airfields for the Chindits.

The landing field had been sabotaged by the Japanese and the many gliders crashed.

They were still able to open an airfield there, though.

Some days later the Japanese used Zeros to attack the airfield.

The Japanese succeeded in capturing the northern part of the airfield but were counter-attacked and driven off.

A Japanese attack on India.

Further Japanese advances.

Reinforcements arrive and stop the Japanese advance.

The Marauders and other units continue their advance.

Once the Japanese were driven out of the area of the airfield, the more direct India-China route could be used to airlift supplies.

Chinese forces attack from the east to link up with the forces that were coming in from the west.

B-29s are used to attack a variety of areas.

The Japanese stage a new offensive and recapture some airfields and cause more refugees to flee.

The Japanese offensive in China.

Allied forces work to finish the Ledo road to get it to link up with the Burma road.

The road is finished and the first convoy to China is sent out. It took the convoy 24 days to make the trip.

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