A pocket guide to Hawaii

Prepared by Special Projects Branch, Morale Services Section, Central Pacific Base Command, 1944. I'll only refer to a few of the pages in the pamphlet.

This is a guide to Hawaii for servicemen who end up there for some reason.

5 A map of the Hawaiian Islands.

Notice the part of the paragraph that says “Before the Japanese went beserk.” Kind of an interesting choice of terms.

A reference to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The pamphlet admits how many persons of Japanese origin are living in Hawaii.

It continues to point out that these are patriotic Americans, and even refers to the use of Nisei in Italy. It's interesting to note that only a relatively few persons of Japanese ancestry were ever interned in Hawaii; that was largely a U.S. West Coast activity.

This points out that the U.S. military was involved in Hawaii as far back as 1848.

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