Operations in Burma

“The Allied campaign to drive the Japs from North Burma continues...” The image is very dark in this old film.

Chinese troops fighting under General Stilwell are moving their equipment.

A lot of stuff they are using was captured from the Japanese.

The video also talks about the Ledo road.

A railway bridge that had been under Japanese control was bombed by Americans and is now under Allied control and is being repaired.

Sikhs of an Indian engineering company repair the bridge.

A nearby captured railroad line where a Jeep has been modified to act like a train engine and pull cars of a type.

The video then talks about a British unit in Burma, and shows a destroyed Japanese artillery piece.

U.S. planes in the area were used to attack the Japanese.

U.S. planes bombed Japanese positions sometimes only a hundred yards from Allied front lines.

More equipment left behind by the Japanese. What can be repaired is to be used against the Japanese.

A 1941 Chevrolet found in a Japanese motor pool.

Chindit troops being evacuated.

Chinese troops undergoing exercises taught to them by Americans.

The general takes a trip on his plane.

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