Why Japanese Immigrants Came to America

This is a book for very young readers. Still, it does a good job going over the history of what led up to the immigration and the results of the immigration.

As so often happens with books for younger readers, this one contains something I have not found in “adult” oriented books. In the other books, I have read of the immigration to Hawaii by the Japanese, and how important they were to the various plantations, yet none of them discussed the working conditions.

“In Hawaii, Japanese workers were often treated badly by the plantation owners. If workers missed a day of work because of sickness, they had to work two extra days to make it up. Workers were often whipped for working too slowly or fined for being late to work.”

It also talks about the internment camps, Japanese Americans in WWII, and Japanese Americans today.

Main Index
Japan main page
Japanese-American Internment Camps index page
Japan and World War II index page