CENTRAL PACIFIC DRIVE: History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II

Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps 1966

Gilbert Islands

Tarawa map

Betio island map


Tarawa and Betio

Marshall Islands

Kwajalein Atoll

A bombed airfield

Eniewetok Island

Saipan Japanese defense lines

Saipan landings


Suicide of civilians

“For the Marines at Marpi Point, a tragic sight took the edge off a happy occasion. Hundreds of Japanese civilians, fearful of the Americans, committed suicide by jumping from the seaside cliffs. Some took their children with them. Efforts to stop them fell upon ears deafened by Japanese propaganda. Fortunately, many civilians had previously surrendered amicably, entrusting their fate to Marine and Army civil affairs officers, and were grateful for the care and safety found in the internment camps.”

In other material I've read, the Japanese on the home islands were similar as far as their beliefs. They were totally astounded when the American occupation forces showed up and didn't engage in a rape-and-pillage sort of thing. The U.S. soldiers gave candy to kids and were generally rather friendly.


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