The Hiroshima Connection (1985)

He says that Hiroshima began our capacity to understand that we could extinguish ourselves as a species. He says the average person wants nuclear stockpiles reduced, but political leaders don't.

He says there was a wave of revulsion against the use of the atomic bombs at first. People got used to living with the bomb, he says, but there are still waves of revulsion against them from time to time.

He also says some people almost worship the weapons, treating them like a diety. He calls it nuclearism and says it's the main spiritual disease of our time. He also says some people see nuclear Armageddon as fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

He also says the use of nuclear power plants is dangerous. He says a small mistake can lead to a much more major consequence than, say, a small mistake at a plant burning coal.

Then they talk about how Japan is using nuclear power.

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