Sex Slaves (You Tube)

Many of the descriptions below the captions are taken verbatum from the clip. There are a lot of images in the film that are extremely graphic and upsetting.

Old women, mothers with babies, etc, were raped, burned, and mutiliated.

Women who were young and attractive were kept as sexual slaves.

Each soldier was promised a woman if he fought hard and killed lots of Chinese.

Japanese soldiers derived some kind of sick pleasure from violating their victims with swords and knives.

Many women in Nanking were in hiding or in the safety zones.

Day after day the Japanese searched through the city for women they could rape.

Attacking and stabbing the women, many of whom had been dragged from their places of shelter, was commonplace throughout the city. Over 80,000 Chinese women were raped, and repeatedly raped, by Japanese soldiers.

Japanese soldiers made a game of torturing and raping Chinese women and children and were encouraged by their officers to invent new ways of killing and torturing their captives.

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