Japan's Secret Biological Lab (You Tube)

Many of the images used in the two clips are simply too gross to post here. The comments below the pictures are what the video says, except for the comments in parentheses, which are my take on what is being said.

Some of the material is downright wrong, although most of it is fairly accurate. The pictures used are the most revolting I have ever seen in any video anywhere, and that includes a lot of horror films.

It starts talking about Hirohito.

Then it says that, according to military Shinto, Hirohito was destined to rule the world. (This doesn't take into consideration that there were two kinds of Shinto. One was the regular Shinto religion. During the time leading up to WW II, the militarists altered things and made a form called State Shinto, which is the one that emphasized the divinity and ultimate rule of the emperor.)

He talks about the royal line going back in an 'unbroken line of succession.' (That is quite wrong, actually. If you study Japanese history, you'll see that the line definitely was broken at times. For a while, in fact, there were even two emperors.)

'Science has always been the best friend of the killer.'

He was interested in harnessing that power to kill using biology. Japan would conquer the world through biological terrorism.

Hirohito helped create and finance Unit 731.

'So diabolical and horrible were Hirohito's intentions that secrecy became of the utmost importance.'

In Manchuria, scientists could be be assured of an unlimited supply of potential victims.

Experiments on humans were begun. In 1936 Unit 731 was established.

To disguise it's real purpose, it was named the water purification department. It had Hirohito's personal stamp of approval. It had more than 150 buildings.'And then there were the furnaces with their chimney's belching human smoke...' It was a crematorium.

They were referred to as 'muratas,' pieces of wood.

They wanted to learn the best ways to infect people.

There was a section for torturing live beings and vivisecting them (it's basically doing an autopsy with the person still alive.)

There were over 3,000 scientists involved in Unit 731 and its work. Many of them who had worked there went on to prominent careers in medicine and other fields after the end of the war.

Over 10,000 people were used as experimental subjects.

They used germ warfare against the Chinese and others.

The Japanese would distribute infected food and clothes to the locals.

The unit developed a bomb that could carry bacteria and/or fleas.

'In 1944 Japan began attacking the United States with biological weapons of mass destruction.' (Wrong. The balloon bombs carried incendiary devices to start forest fires. There were plans to use biological bombs, but those plans never really got very far.)

'The Japanese launched huge balloons, each of which carried disease germs...' (Again, wrong.)

The video says the Japanese had a plan in 1945 to use kamikaze pilots to infect California with the plague.

Secret deals were made with those involved to make sure they would not be arrested or even questioned. The U.S. was given all the research findings in exchange.

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