Attack on the Marshalls

The video opens by showing the extent of Japanese control in the Pacific, and how they were forced back from one area after another.

It then talks about how supplies from Japan went to Truk, and from there to other places that needed them.

U.S. planes attack Japanese shipping.

It also shows Japanese planes being shot down.

Japanese planes attack U.S. carriers.

The islands were attacked by the U.S. for over 70 days.

A Japanese biplane is strafed.

Scenes of the fighting.
“There they go to their Jap ancestors” the narrator says.

What was left of one Japanese base.

264 Japanese surrendered out of 10,000 troops. Scenes of fighting on other of the islands is the group are shown.

The film talks about how well we took care of Japanese prisoners, and makes reference to the “dictate peace from the White House” statement of Yamamoto.

The film refers to the “monkey-like” Japanese soldiers.

Admiral Nimitz.

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