Private Snafu: No Buddy Atoll

Snafu starts in a life raft.

A Japanese sailor is in his own life raft.

They both see an atoll at the same time.v

They get there at the same time.

Each gets the idea someone else is on the island.

They finally see each other.

They snarl at each other.

He gets his sword.

He gets his Swiss army knife.

The umbrella pops out and hits the Japanese sailor.

The sailor chops the umbrella up and chases Snafu.

Snafu climbs up a tree and the sailor chops parts of it off.

Snafu puts a bunch of coconuts in his shirt, jumps off the tree, flies like a plane and drops the coconuts.

They hit the sailor.

The phone rings. Snafu gives it to the sailor then goes behind the tree and pushes the plunger to set off the explosive. This is what's left.

The music bits used in this cartoon are really good.

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