Navy: History and Tradition


1959, Stokes Walesby.

The first page is about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Then it moves to a section about Bull Halsey. That's a very interesting section. Next up is Butch O'Hare. In a dogfight he downed four Japanese bombers in five minutes. Hugh Barr Miller is next. Miller ended up stranded on a Japanese held island for 43 days. He had been badly wounded when the ship he was on sank and exploded, but he managed to survive and at the same time kill 23 Japanese soldiers who were also on the island.

Sam Dealey is next. He became a submarine commander and his sub was responsible for sinking a lot of Japanese ships. The sub eventually was lost at sea with all aboard. The Battle of Samar is about an out-gunned and out-sized American naval force that caused a Japanese force to turn back. Then there's a section on underwater demolition teams. After that is a section on the battle for Okinawa. It mainly is about the kamikaze attacks.

The next section is about Chester Nimitz and his role in the Pacific Theater. American-Bluejacket is the next section. Then there's a map of naval battle grounds during the war.

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