Films about the Rape of Nanking

The present-day controversy over the Rape of Nanking is reflected in the videos offered on You Tube. Many of the videos go into the history of the Rape of Nanking, while a number of videos take the position that the Rape of Nanking was not as bad as we have been led to believe, if it happened at all. That is the “revisionist” view.

A lot of the videos, unfortunately, are in Chinese, so that the best I can do is to post a screen capture of the video. To see the originals, just go to You Tube and type in the name of the film. I have also included who is credited with posting the film.

Doing a straight number count of videos is useless, as many videos, on both sides, are posted in a set, so there might be five or six parts that make up one actual video.

I have noted in the “anti” section that there was a duplication of some of the videos, where exactly the same video was posted by two or more people, but the video used a different title. There were also many videos which were duplications of parts of other videos. A total of a half-dozen people were responsible for posting virtually all of the “anti” videos.

In the “pro” section, I counted almost twice as many posters, although one person was responsible for almost half the videos. Unlike with the “anti” portion, there was no exact duplication of videos, at least as far as I could tell.

Any video in either section that is not in English I have only used a screen capture for, since I speak only the tiniest bit of Japanese and virtually no Chinese at all.

As with the “anti” section, I am not going to include any real lengthy descriptions; if you want to read those, go to You Tube and type in the name of the video. Some people tended, on both sides, to get into very long and rather heated comments on the Rape of Nanking.

Road to Nanking in 1937-1938

From: kt266a

There is no narration at all in this video. It shows the troops loading horses onto a boat and then other things. Not sure just how relevant this clip is, but I'll include it anyhow.

Chinese Holocaust of WW2 " Nanking"

From: victimblue

The clip starts out with text, and then goes to photos taken in a hospital of Nanking victims. Then there's an interview with a woman who was a victim; she was bayoneted by Japanese soldiers. The video then notes that the atrocities were not confined to Nanking.

A man who was in the Imperial Army says that the procedure was to enter the village, steal anything of value, kill people, and then set the village on file. This refers to countryside battles, generally against the Chinese Communist troops under Mao.

The film interviews another soldier from there who was involved in bayonetting Chinese. Another soldier tells how a group of soldiers raped a woman and then took her with them to the base camp the next day. He talks about how her baby was thrown off a cliff, and the woman jumped off the cliff also.

For those who say there was no such thing as the Rape of Nanking, just in this one relatively short video there are a number of photos, but more importantly eye-witness testimony from men who were soldiers in that area. Either every single man of them is lying, or there were very horrible things done, no matter what the revisionists try to say.

Testimony of History-The Rape of Nanking

”A Chinese documentary with Japanese dub about the Nanjing Massacre, or the Rape of Nanking. Produced by: Nanjing TV. Translated and Reproduced by: Yoshiyuki Masaki. From: pebblestonecn.

Not much I can say about this one since it is spoken in Chinese and has Japanese subtitles, so all I'll include is an overall screen capture.

the Nanking Massacre

From: BeijingBoy1985

There is no narration to this one, just a music background. WARNING: This video is EXTREMELY gruesome.

Iris Chang on Rape of Nanking

From: IYDing

This is from a mock trial on the Rape of Nanking done in San Francisco on October 24, 2003. Iris Chang is the late best selling author of a book on the rape of Nanking.

The video starts out talking about Hirohito's powers, and how he was not held accountable. It then points out that Hirohito's grand uncle directed the attack on Nanking, and other relatives were in positions in the military that they knew about the massacre. She then talks about Hirohito's personal approval of Unit 731 and the biological experiments it carried out.

There's more on what Hirohito knew and if he could have stopped things, but there's only the limited amount that actual deals with the attack on Nanking.

The Rape of Nanking

From: Axiulo

The narration is in Chinese. There are no subtitles, and the images are harsh. WARNING.

Nanking massacre Movie clip(1994)

From: goldendragonX

The clip shows the Japanese army gunning down a very large number of civilians.

Defend Nanking(Taiwan version)

From: leaderwolf333

Apparently a news report. It's not subtitled, but does have sections where people are interviewed, probably ones who were there.

DTM - Truth Serum (The Rape of Nanjing/Nanking)

“DTM's "Truth Serum" music video released November 2006. The actual album version of "Truth Serum" is a full song, this video just focuses on the first verse for school purposes.”

”Lyrics: What really happened from 1937 to 1945? Who knew man could commit such atrocious war crimes? Back when the Japanese army occupied East Asia, it was called The Rape of Nanjing, and it happened in China. Nah you won't find none of this sh*t written in a textbook, this was worst than the Holocaust, it made damn Hitler shook, our fathers were forced to rape their own daughters, and sons their mothers, babies impaled on bayonets and tossed into boilin' water. Scientific experiments were tested on our forefathers, dissection with no anaesthetic, they didn't even bother. We were lined up, chopped up, and shot for fun; so many were killed and tortured it became a competition. They thought it was fun, to bury us chest high. Then watch as dogs tore our heads off and ate us alive. And them Yanks promised to keep all this a secret, as long as them J*ps shared the results of their sick experiments. Do you call that humane? Do you call that justice? This ain't a hate song it's a message to the masses, listen to my words and walk with me through these ashes.”

From: DTMUniversal

WARNING! The images are extremely gruesome.

Minnie Vautrin on Rape of Nanking

Another clip from the Mock Grand Jury in San Francisco. An American missionary who was there is played by an actress.

From: IYDing

The original woman was involved in a women's college in Nanking at the time of the Japanese attack. The college she ran housed 10,000 refuges after the Japanese invaded the city. It had been meant to hold 2700 refuges.

The Japanese did take some girls from the campus and they were never seen again.

In the Name of the Emperor

From: pebblestonecn.

Unfortunately this is only in Japanese as it looks like it'd be a really interesting documentary (about 50 minutes long.) There are some scenes from the War Crimes Trials.


From: NANKINGghost1938.

No narration, but some English text material. WARNING: extremely gruesome images.

the Rape of Nanking (3)

from congtou9999.

Chinese narration, no English subtitles.

Rape of Nanjing Massacre (series)

Both of these are in English, and they are well done.

Rape of Nanking Nanjing Massacre Part I Atrocities in Asia

From: Sarastarlight

Rape of Nanking Nanjing Massacre Part 2 Atrocities in Asia

From: Sarastarlight

Nanjing Massacre Rape of Nanking, in Mandarin (series)

Nanjing Massacre Rape of Nanking Part 1

From: Sarastarlight

As the title says, it's in Chinese. There are no subtitles.

Nanjing Massacre Rape of Nanking Part 2

second part of above. Same source.

Survivors and Evidences from Nanking Massacre (series)

All of these are in Chinese without English subtitles, so I'll only do the general screen capture for them. They are all from the same persion, leaderwolf333.

WARNING: Numerous gruesome pictures.

Survivors and Evidences from Nanking Massacre part: 1

Survivors and Evidences from Nanking Massacre part: 2

Survivors and Evidences from Nanking Massacre part: 3

Survivors and Evidences from Nanking Massacre part: 4

Survivors and Evidences from Nanking Massacre part: 5

Survivors and Evidences from Nanking Massacre part: 6

Survivors and Evidences from Nanking Massacre part: 7

Nanking Massacre – Taiwan version 1995 (series)

Nanking Massacre(Taiwan version 1995) Part 1/3

From: leaderwolf333.

All three of these parts are in Chinese with no subtitles.

Nanking Massacre(Taiwan version 1995) Part 2/3 09:04

From: leaderwolf333

Nanking Massacre(Taiwan version 1995) Part 3/3 08:56

From: leaderwolf333


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