The U.S. and the Philippines

Another of the Crusade in the Pacific series.

The episode starts out by talking about the natural resources of Asia.

March, 1935, in the White House. The leader of the Philippines is speaking.

FDR talks about the Philippines as a commonwealth.

The video talks about how the military clique was in firm control of Japan.

It talks about the propaganda of the militarists aimed at the average person in Japan.

It then talks about how the Philippines were a natural target for Japan.

It says relations between the Japanese who lived in the Philippines and the Filipinos was mostly friendly.

It talks about how Japan stabilized the hemp industry in the Philippines before the war.

It talks about the Philippines interest in independence.

The movie talks about progress the Philippines were making towards independence. It also talks about how the U.S. had made changes in Philippine educational and judicial systems.

At the same time, the Philippines failed to develop an ability to defend itself.

MacArthur was put in command of U.S. and Philippine forces.

It talks about the air power available, and naval bases.

Japanese pilots prepare to attack Pearl Harbor. The video is the first one I've seen that notes the date was December 8th, not the 7th. It was the 8th for Japan, but the 7th for the U.S. in relationship to time zones.

Japanese planes go after the Philippines.

The Japanese felt they had a divinely-inspired plan to rule the Earth, according to the narration.

Dec.8th, Japanese forces land on the Philippines.

Japanese forces move on Luzon.

Japanese planes bomb Manila.

January, 1942, Japan takes Manila.

Then it talks about the use of propaganda by the Japanese in relation to the East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere.

It then talks about Filipinos who were collaborators with the Japanese.

MacArthur is pulled out of the Philippines and went to Australia.

Japanese troops celebrate their taking over of Manila in a parade.

The Japanese began to loot the resources of the islands.

Corregidor is attacked by the Japanese, and take it on May 6th.

The video then has the actual speech of surrender by Wainwright.

31 The president-in-exile of the Philippines speaks to Congress.

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