According to Mary Magdalene

This is a fictional book but is based very much on things that, according to the Gospels, really did happen. Mary Magdalene is at the time an older woman and ends up writing down her memoirs. She is married to Leonidas. Her childhood years were incredibly harsh, her entire family being killed by Roman soldiers.

Leonidas ends up finding her alone and starving and takes her under his protection. He places her with a friend who happens to run a brothel. Mary is brought up there but is not forced to become a prostitute.

A lot of the book deals with her time with Jesus from her own viewpoint. Sometimes Peter shows up to ask her things.

The book has her living in Antioch so this is not an she-ended-up-in-France type of story. She has had no children.

The strength of the book is in the way her story is told. It's very interesting.

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