The Book that Will Forever Change Our Ideas About the Bible

This is one of those authors that believes much of what happened in the past and in the Bible actually involved aliens from outer space. The author also supports the idea of Nibiru, the tenth planet of our solar system and a planet that approaches Earth around every 3,600 years, leading to a lot of problems.

Let's look at this first. There is no doubt at all that ancient civilizations kept a very close watch on the skies. They wanted to know when the seasons started. They were able to identify some of the planets without using anything but their eyes and a lot of patience.

They built stone observatories, of a sort, to do that with. They wrote down what they saw. In none of these writings or cultural myths is there anything like another planet coming near to the Earth. These people would have definitely seen it and written it down. There is, for example, a place called Gobleki Tepe (which is utterly fascinating, by the way) that goes back some 14,000 years. One of the stone reliefs that was carved there depicts a comet.

Whether that comet was bright in the sky and passed by or whether it may have hit the Earth somewhere is unknown but it is known that they saw it and recorded it.

Admittedly, science does have a problem keeping track of all the asteroids but that is mainly because the ones that come somewhat near Earth are relatively small. Today's astronomers (who are relatively numerous) and the (again numerous) space satellites would definitely be able to see something as large as a planet.

The aliens came to Earth to get gold.

What? Any civilization that was advanced enough to do interplanetary travel in UFOs would have already figured out how to get by without needing gold. Or maybe they have something like Star Trek's replicators. Either way they would be far more advanced then us.

They constructed mines for the gold and genetically engineered the human begins or pre-humans at the time to work in the mines.

Again, why?

Any civilization as advanced as they were would not need living beings to do the mining. They would have developed the machines, perhaps drones of a type, to do that kind of work for them.

What the book also does is take various quotes from the Bible and interpret them as meaning aliens from space and what they did. The Elohim. The giants. Angels. Sodom and Gomorrah. All involved aliens, according to the author.

The book also gives a history of the universe and earth, starting over 4 billion years ago. Some 450,000 years ago the Annunaki from Niburu came to Earth.

Here, then, is yet another problem. Niburu apparently is supposed to have an orbit that only approaches Earth once every 3,600 years. By the way, another point. If you had a planet like that moving through the solar system then it's gravity would have had some kind of effect on the other planets and especially on the asteroid belt.

Basically, a planet passing anywhere near that belt would exert enough gravity to get a lot of asteroids out of their orbit and a number of these would end up endangering our planet. Probably a bunch at one time yet again there is no record of a bunch of asteroids hitting our planet within the memory of the human race.

Now, back to Niburu. Life of any kind would be very, very unlikely on such a planet. It spends too much time in deep space and would be far too cold for any kind of life as we know it to develop, much less lead to intelligent beings who are supposed to have looked somewhat like humans.

This is all an idea that is not new and is no more possible than any of the other times it's been written about.

I'm not, by the way, saying that no aliens ever visited our planet. If they did, though, they would have come via spaceships and not a Space:1999 type moon or planet.

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