Sign of the Dove: MaryRose's Messages from the Other Side

Mary Occhino is a psychic along the lines of John Edward, able to communicate with the dead and, as such, she gives readings. She also has MS, which flares up from time to time.

The first problem with the book is the subtitle: “Messages from the Other Side.” This would lead one to think that the majority of the book would be some form of communication from the dead, but that actually is only a very minor part of the book, and not it's main focus at all.

The book is basically like most other New-Age-type books of this nature that I have read. It mainly is advice on how people should change the way they think about things in order to improve their own life. There is actually nothing about this book that makes it stand out from numerous other books of the same nature and, thus, it was rather disappointing.

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