The Book of Enoch for Beginners

There are five major sections to the book. It refers to a per-Christian apocalypse and covers pre 165 BCE history.

Book 1 is the Book of the Watchers. It was written in the third century BCE and is related to Genesis 6: 1-4.

The Book of Parables is second, The Book of Astronomical Writings is the third book and covers a pre 365 day calendar.

The fourth book is the Book of the Watcher, dealing with fallen angels, giants, the giants taking human women as wives and having children, the Nephilim. (This is similar to more recent time stories of women being taken by space aliens and having babies by them.)

(This brings up a point here. Did the women voluntarily become wives to the giants or were they, probably more likely, taken by them without their permission? If it was forced relationships then there shouldn't have been any punishment of humans since the sexual nature was not voluntary.)

Enoch was the great grandfather of Moses.

The spirits of giants that died became demons.

(This brings up a point in logic. If God is all-knowing then God would have known this was going to happen but did nothing to stop it. Punishing people for something someone knows will happen in advance and does nothing about makes little sense.)

Why does God need servants?

Enoch saw 'all the secrets of heaven.'

The book goes into astronomical observations of the time. There will be some kind of apocalypse but Enoch's 'righteous community' will survive..

I don't really consider this book to be that good.

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