Mary Magdalene: The Hidden Illumined One

The author admits that there is little absolute factual knowledge about Mary Magdalene. There are still questions about where she came from, whether she was rich or not and especially what happened to her after the crucifixion.

One of the legends about her is that she later traveled to France, preached there and lived there for the rest of her life. One thing I found particularly interesting (for those who think she never went to France) is that there is a church there with a painting of her and some others arriving in a boat. The man who later became Pope John XXIII consecrated the church. He must have gone into the church at some point and seen the painting.

If he thought the entire story was bogus then why did he agree to consecrate the church? Wouldn't he have at least asked that the painting be taken down?

The author goes on to discuss the Black Madonnas, a 'grove of Isis,' Gnostic teachings, the attack on the Cathars, the Merovingian rulers who were supposedly in her bloodline, her final years and other things. He also notes that the vast majority of early Christian writings have been lost. Some were ordered destroyed by the Church and some were probably hidden like the Nag Hammadi scrolls and are yet to be found.

The book also includes the Gospel of Mary, or at least what is actually left of that book. The book has Mary herself speaking to the apostles and how at least two of them were basically pretty hostile to her (because she was a woman, mainly.)

Definitely a good read.

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