The Militia Movement and Hate Groups in America

Gary e. McCuen Publications, 1996

1993: 7000+ hate crimes in US, many unreported. Some believe US government is controlled by Jews and non-whites.

White supremacists believe US is a Christian country. 25,000 Americans are in the white supremacist movement, 300 different organizations. They also want to deny rights to gays and lesbians and subjugate women.

Christian Identity: their churches promote intolerance; the model asserts that “(1) white people are the original Lost Tribes of Israel; (2) Jews are descendants of Satan; and (3) African Americans and other people of color are pre-Adamic, or beasts created by God before He created Adam, the first white man.” People of color and Jews have no souls.

Aryan Nations: seek to unite Klan and neo-Nazi groups

KKK: at least 26 different groups, mostly in the South.

These groups believe the Holocaust did not happen or was not as bad as it seems.

Skinheads: neo-Nazi, about 3,500 members.

Race is the factor that will determine what happens to a society, according to them.

The KKK is the oldest domestic terrorist organization in the US.

Some white supremacists are anti-Christian.

Types of Bias: sex, race, ethnocentric (ones own group, race, religon, culture or nation is superior), political, religious.

Ghost Dance religon, late 1800's. A Paiute prophet, Wovoka, told Indians that if they practiced the Ghost Dance, a hypnotic spiritual dance, the White Man would disappear, and Indian civilization would be restored. The movement ultimately led to the famous massacre at Wounded Knee where 200 Indians were killed.

Various armed militia groups that want to overthrow the US government, or protect themselves from it, at least. Example; Militia of Montana.

“Especially dangerous today is the government's campaign to make an enemy of every living Muslim fundamentalist, wherever he or she resides in the world.” -1996, five years before 2001

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