Rosicrucian Digest: Egypt

This is a well-done book. It starts with Egypt and the Primordial Tradition, moves on to the relationship between Thoth and Hermes then on to the relationship between Egypt and Greece. The idea seems to be that, very long ago, there was some form of advanced spiritual knowledge. This got passed on to the ancient Egyptians, then the Greeks and then on to the Arabs and eventually to modern Western civilization.

The 42 Negative Confessions section is quite interesting. The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt discusses how the searcher after spiritual knowledge is initiated into a group that has already gotten to a certain level of such knowledge. Then there's a comparison between Ancient Egypt and Modern Esotericism which is also really good.

Perhaps the most interesting part is the concept of Prisca Theologia, the idea that there is some very ancient spiritual knowledge that was passed on to later civilizations although much of it was probably lost along the way.

There's a section showing the Rosicrucian Egyptian Tarot of the Major Arcana, the formation of the Rosicrucians, how that relates to Thutmose III. One of the best quotes is that suffering has never been and will never be a cosmic requirement for evolution.

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