The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid

This is an old book and the references to prophecies are somewhat outdated.

The book explains how the Great Pyramid was used for initiations and mystical ceremonies. It says that the King's Chamber was the ultimate initiation chamber and that the pyramid was never meant to be a monument to one person.

Various other things about the Great Pyramid are discussed such as it's geography, its construction and symbolic measurement. The last is fascinating although it could also be explained away as reading into things something that is actually not there.

One of the measurements holds that Jesus was born in 4 BCE which is something other works have noted. There is also a reference to Atlantis survivors and their knowledge. This is also a questionable reference since there is absolutely no physical proof at all that Atlantis every existed.

I think the book would have been improved by making it more up-to-date.

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