Ghost Writers in the Sky: More Communication from James

This is another book from Suzy Smith and consists of writings she did from James, one of her contacts on the other side, and her own comments. The material is about what life is like on the other side, although there is also a good bit of material on problems on this planet itself. The basic principles covered in the book include the following:

1. You are an eternal spirit. There is definitely an afterlife.

2. The soul follows an evolutionary growth pattern, starting with life on Earth and then life on the other side through various levels of development.

3. James discusses the nature of God.

4. You remain an individual entity forever, although you will advance eventually to perfection itself.

5. The power of thoughts is used to create things on the other side.

6. People who see hell on the other side are those who have a strong belief in its existence and feel that they deserve that type of an afterlife.

7. Guardian angels do exist, but it would be best to call them Guardian Spirits as Angels are an even more-advanced form of existence.

8. There is no reincarnation.

9. People who are actually mentally ill are given special help on the other side.

10. People who are what we would term evil remain in a very bad neighborhood, so to speak, until they begin to progress upward in their evolutionary soul progression.

11. Travel on the other side is also by thought.

12. Truly successful marriages on Earth can continue on the other side.

13. The soul enters the body upon birth and not before.

14. “There are no homosexuals in advances stages of spiritual development.” The spirits must be either male or female.

15. People who are not morally or physically fit to bear offspring should not do so. “...sterilization of the unfit is only logical and proper” since they won't be able to properly care for any children they have.

16. Abortion of fetuses that come about from such people having sex is something that should be carried out.

17. Atlantis existed, as did other continents.

The first, say three-fourths of the book seems to me to be really positive and gives a very good picture of life on the other side. The person dies on Earth and gets to the other side and receives instruction (if they are open to it) about what they can do. They then establish an existence which is very similar to their life on Earth if they wish, including houses, food, drink, etc, but the need for these gradually goes away as the person progresses further. Although there is eventual unit with perfection, it's not an abandonment of the individual but more the individual spirit taking part in, say, something like a great orchestra where there are individuals but one united beauty that comes out of their efforts.

This is also the first time I have seen reference to an the idea that the soul does not enter the body until actual birth, something which I had considered a possibility for a long time.

Where I begin to have a problem is his view of homosexuality, statement 14. James writes that the person must make a choice when they get to the other side as to which sex they will be, but that's not the basis of homosexuality; it's which sex you're attracted to. James says some other things about sex which seem to me, at least, to indicate sort of a semi-Puritanical view of sex.

Then I came to the part about “unfit” people not being allowed to have children. The reasons he uses seem to be fairly logical, but that would be something that might fly on the other side but would never be a good idea here on Earth as the definition of “unfit” would become one based on politics and religion and not on actual, objective scientific standards. His views on the use of abortion would also not sit well with many people, although he does present arguments in support of his views.

I think that, overall, this is a good book and, in general, it presents a fascinating view of the other side, a place where people will continue to exist, have loads of things they can do, meet with friends, and work on the evolution of their spiritual development. Still, and again I say at least to me, the last part of the book has a different “feel” about it then the rest of the book and some of the material there bothers me.

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