Wrong Kind of Girl

What is interesting is that this book came out in 1984 but it deals with something that is still in the news frequently and that is the subject of bullying.

Annie Whitman wants to be a cheerleader but she has a bad reputation at school for going out with ltos of different boys. She's called 'Easy Annie' by some of the students. Jessica, co-captain of the cheerleading team, does not want her on the team.

Annie is beautiful but has a troubled background. She did some modeling work.

A small secondary story is about Steven and his girlfriend Tricia Martin whose father had hit a woman with his car.

What makes matters worse for Jessica is that Annie is a natural-born cheerleader, possibly the best one in the school. Jessica is out to stop her from making the team at all costs. What Jessica doesn't realize is that bullying can have very severe consequences for the person being bullied. She finds out the hard way and it becomes a question of whether Jessica can get over her prejudices against Annie.

Its a good and very timely story.

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