Out of Place

There's a new student in the school and she is classified as a 'hillbilly.' Her way of talking is different from the other students . She also tees off the teacher since her behavior is unusual, by the school's standards.

This, obviously, leads to a lot of bullying. Meanwhile Jessica uses her father's tennis racket without his permission and ends up accidentally destroying it, leaving her with the problem of getting enough money to buy him another racket and try to pass it off as the original one.

There's an art talent show at the school. The bullying remains bad and she runs out of the school. Later Elizabeth finds her at a horse stable. It turns out the girl has an interesting talent.

The story is another one about how easy bullying starts and how long it can go on but it can end once the students really get to know the one being bullied.

Unfortunately, not all real-life bullying stories work out so well.

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