Sweet Valley Twins: Taking Charge

Patrick is a friend of the twins. It seems he has very, very strict parents. He can only have one friend over at a time, has to spend three hours a night on homework and has other parent-set restrictions on his behavior.

The other theme in the book is the school science fair. Jessica ends up teamed with Winston and she is ultra unhappy about that. As is usual she would rather spend time doing whatever she wants rather than doing what she should be doing and this causes problems for Winston.

Patrick wants to be in the school band. This causes more problems for him. He deals with that in a rather immature and very poorly thought out matter.

So somehow Patrick and his parents have to work out an explanation for the strict rules and a way to grant him at some more freedom in what he does.

It's a story showing that parents and kids need to discuss matters before things get out of hand and try to come up with some kind of reasonable compromise.

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