Booster Boycott

Winston wants to join the Booster cheerleaders and the girls don't want him on the squad. Things go bad very quickly as the girls are ultra-nasty to Winston. They try to set an impossible task for him and that is getting 100 names on a petition to let him try out.

Getting worse, they rip up the petition when he gives it to them. They blame him for everything going wrong at practice even though he's not there. They are trying to get ready for a cheerleading contest but it's obvious that they are not that good.

Then they try to make it 100% sure he will fail his tryout by assigning him very difficult things to do. He ends up bullied by the girls and beaten up by the school's local thug.

Even though the issue of sexual discrimination is discussed in class it makes no difference in the behavior of most of the girls on the squad. Then they find out the hard way that getting what they wanted isn't necessarily best for the squad or the school.

It's a very good story.

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