The Adam and Eve Chronicles Book 2

The spaceship with the avatars finds a planet which seems to have a series of pyramids on it and an area when there seems to be grass on an otherwise uninhabitable planet. This causes them to begin to wonder about alien ties to ancient Egypt.

They then go to Sirius, the brightest local star, and find a planet with avatars on it, but not exactly in the same form that they are. These avatars are highly advanced. In addition, there's another Eden ship already there.

The Sirians were basically humans who did interact with the human population on the Earth in the past. As they advanced in their own history they adapted the avatar shape and eventually moved to a more advanced form of avatar with ESP abilities, allowing them to communicate with other avatars that were like them anywhere they might be.

On Earth, though, things have gone from bad to worse when the Christian Church and the Islamic religion basically declares war on the avatars and starts blowing up centers where avatars are made. Unrelated to this Iran attacks Israel, forcing Israel to eventually use two atomic bombs to stop Iran's advances.

This quickly moves to World War II which directly or indirectly causes the death of 7 billion humans. The ones that are left are exposed to the fallout in many places and become infertile as a result. The groups of humans that survive are attacked by groups of thugs who think they can rule over anyone.

The avatars from Earth take on the new form of bodies and end up going to Mars to see how that colony has worked out and then move on to Earth where they are willing to evacuate avatars from that planet. They are attacked by the thugs but find out even peaceful avatars can bite when necessary.

Other things happen, of course. What is most interesting is that the violence of people on Earth and the non-violence of the Sirians are both blamed on the eating of meat. It seems that meat, according to the author, ends up turning people into potential violent thugs and, once everyone becomes a vegetarian, there will be no more wars.

It's an interesting premise but tends to ignore the negative influence religions have had on humans since they have often promoted violence against non-believers, and it's not because they eat meat. It also fails to deal with one issue, and that is total pacifism. To the Sirians even the though of committing violence upsets them. That's fine until they run across some other alien species that decides they don't like the Sirians and plans to destroy them.

I don't even begin to believe that if everyone were vegetarians there would eventually be no violence by humans. Our very evolution taught us to be violent and gave us canine teeth to rip meat apart with, and that has been shown early in human evolution to have been something that was involved with increasing the size of the human brain.

I am always concerned when someone uses the word 'all' as in all the people on Sirius have become peaceful by not eating meat. 'All' usually has a lot of holes in it that can come back and cause problems.

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