For Alison Who Went Away

This is one of the more serious books by Vivian Vande Velde and is, like almost all her books, very good.

The story revolves around Susan, who wants to be called Sybil, and who is 14 years old and the various things she is going through in school. Her family members are seeing a psychiatrist, attempt to get over the loss of their daughter, Alison, who may have been the victim of a serial killer.

Most of the events are fairly basic and some funny, especially when Sybil wants to try out for stage crew for a play but ends up being put in a chorus, then ends up actually walking onstage with a line of dialogue.

The basic theme is the need to come to terms with the loss of someone, and how difficult that can be and what its effects can be on the people left behind.

It's not a happy story, but it's still a good one.

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