A Wizard Alone

Nita is very down after the death of her mother. Tom meets with Kit and tells him a wizard on ordeal has gone missing. The person is a black male, only eleven years old. He has autism and is on Ordeal.

There are several themes in the book. For one, Nita is having to deal with the death of her mother and how this affects her self-confidence and her wizard's abilities. Ponch, Kit's dog, is turning out to be something much more than just a dog that can communicate with its master.

Kit is intent on finding Daryl, the young male, and finds that the Lone Power is after him. Kit ends up becoming overly-involved, leading to the possibility of his being trapped in an area forever.

Nita has to overcome her own emotional problems in order to provide Kit, Daryl and Ponch any help.

The themes intertwine through the book, leading to an effective and satisfactory ending.

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