Blood Witch

The book opens with a brief recap of sorts. Maeve Riordan is also known as Bradadair. She is Morgan's birth mother. Cal is her boyfriend, and Selene Belltower is his mother. Morgan's mother had been murdered. The Woodbanes have a reputation as being evil witches.

Morgan adopts a kitten, and she still goes to church, but feels uneasy there. Morgan's relationship with Bree is now hostile.

The concept of the Council of Witches is covered. They have a group called the seekers which hunt down what they consider to be rogue witches and punish them.

Bree puts a spell on Morgan's house. Hunter, Cal's brother, tells Morgan she is a Woodbane. Hunter tries to kill Cal and has already possibly tried to kill Morgan.

It's a good third book in the series, although at this point I don't trust Cal a whole lot. I also don't care for the seekers, since they are enforcing a group that determines what they consider to be proper, and punish those who don't follow that line, even if they are not “officially” part of the witch community.

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