Survival in the Storm: The Dust Bowl Diary of Grace Edwards

This is the story of Grace, a young girl living in Texas in the early 30's. It was a time of the Great Depression and a time of terrible dust storms in the Oklahoma/Texas area on up. The storms were caused by bad farming practices and weather and became known as the Great Dust Bowl storms.

The book does a very good job of showing just how severe the storms were and the types of effects it had on the people who lived in the area. Some finally gave up and left, many moving to California where they were met by discrimination and prejudice.

There were also people who died from the effects of the dust storms, and that is brought out in the parts of the book that deal with that specifically plus the hospitals of the area.

It's not a particularly happy book, but it's a story of people who hold on against overwhelming odds, determined to make a go of it on the land where they live and, in some cases, at least, triumphing.

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