Making the Saint

Annie is still attracted to TJ and talks to him alone, supposedly to apologize for having kissed him.

The girls have to study other systems as part of their Wiccan work. Kate studies Santeria, and the other two girls study Celtic shamanism and Norse mythology.

The Annie/Tyler/Kate triangle is still there and recurs throughout the book.

Evelyn LeJarden is a Santeria priestess and refers to the orishas, “the spirits who make things possible” and who are to be kept happy.

The woman explains similarities and differences between Santeria and Wicca.

Tyler kisses Annie.

Kate, Cooper and Annie attend a Santeria ceremony. At the ceremony, some people have spirits enter them, and one of the spirits says Kate has come to him.

A friend of Cooper's named Jane helps her through a guided meditation to find a totem animal. It seems to be an Owl.

Cooper finds out her parents are going to get a divorce.

Annie and Tyler agree to stop their relationship. Kate goes to the Santeria place and Papa Oggun is called upon and gives her a necklace to give her more self-confidence.

Kate figures out what is going on. Kate plays some Santeria-type music and calls upon Papa Oggun, saying she wants Annie and Tyler to be punished. Soon after, Annie gets a bad cut while working at the nursing home.

In the end, Tyler, Annie and Kate have “the talk.”

An interesting novel from the Santeria viewpoint, and the Tyler/Annie/Kate thing, although at times almost boring, does figure into the overall theme.

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