Circle of Three: Written in the Stars

There's quite a bit that happens in this book. It opens with the girls making New Year's resolutions.

A girl named Jane reveals to Cooper that she is a lesbian. Cooper tells the other girls, and that causes problems. Jane later tries suicide, and tells Cooper that her father hates gays.

They also talk about how Hitler had gays killed along with the Jews.

Cooper has to talk to her father about her mother's drinking since the divorce. Her drinking seems to be getting a lot worse.

Tyler wants to start over with Kate.

Annie finds out that she actually has an older sister; her mother had become pregnant when she was rather young and she put the child up for adoption.

The only thing that is really strange about the book is the back cover. The blurb makes it appear that astrology is a major factor in the book, saying “...their progress on the Wiccan path is nearly undone by what the stars tell them.”

Actually, that's a gross overstatement. Although astrology is discussed somewhat in the book, it is definitely not at all a major component of the story. First time I've seen a blurb get the story so wrong.

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