
This is the final book in the Circle of Three series.

Cooper is upset at not being accepted for initiation. Then her father calls and says he's dating someone. Annie and Kate are at a class to prepare them for initiation. They are told they will be able to join a coven, and there are several of them in the area. Annie realizes Kate might not want to join the same coven she does.

Cooper's father is dating a reporter that caused Cooper lots of trouble before. Cooper leaves. Cooper might end up doing a self-initiation and be a solitary witch. Cooper and Jane are offered a chance to join a concert tour.

Tyler wants to go out with Kate again. Cooper meets with Kate and Annie, and says she may start her own coven. She wants Kate and Annie to join, but they say no. Cooper had been set up. She actually passes her test and will be initiated.

Kate decides on joining the Coven of the Greenwood. Annie joins the Daughters of the Cauldron. Cooper is going with the Children of the Goddess. Then Kate changes her mind. Cooper and Jane will go on tour.

Annie decides not to join the Daughters of the Cauldron. Kate decides not to join the Coven of the Greenwood. The coven Cooper was going to join falls apart. All three girls will form a new coven a friend of theirs is starting.

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